» June 12th, 2011
AdvoCare Weight Loss
AdvoCare has so much to offer in the line of weight loss. There’s the 24 Day Challenge, the Commit to Fit, the Lean in 13. The 24 Day Challenge has so many different variations so with these, there is truly something to fit everyone’s needs.
When talking with your prospects / customers, remember to ask open ended questions and listen. Ask enough questions to understand what they want / need. Restate so that you make sure you understand. Are they interested in the pounds, the inches. Getting more fit… more toned. Just losing a dress size? Kicking the soda / coffee / energy drink habits… etc.
Know the differences in the three MNS packs. You don’t have to know all the ingredients.. but know that MNS 3 is for everyone… MNS C is to help with appetite control… MNS E is for that extra bit of energy boost… etc.
When describing the benefits, relate back to personal experiences that you have had with the products. If you’ve never tried MNS C, then tell what it did for someone you know… not for you.
post a comment | tags: weight loss
filed in: AdvoCare Weight Loss
» June 12th, 2011
AdvoCare Distributor
I am an independent AdvoCare distributor. This site is owned and operated in whole by me individually. It is by now means the official AdvoCare site.
The official site is www.AdvoCare.com.
My official AdvoCare Microsite is https://www.advocare.com/10013589/
The posts contained on this site are my opinion and my hope is that this will assist you in your AdvoCare journey to success! I hope to see you on the stage with the Diamonds!
If there are other sections that you guys would like to see added, please feel free to send me your ideas. I’m always wanting to improve. All suggestions / feedback / ideas are appreciated.
post a comment | tags: advocare distributor, disclaimer, suggestions
filed in: AdvoCare Distributor
» June 12th, 2011
AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge
Welcome to the 24 Day Challenge!
One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the 24 Day Challenge. It doesn’t take long for people to see and feel the difference. Keep in contact with your customers who are taking the challenge. Keep in mind that over 50% of Americans don’t take their prescription medicines according to the directions.
Talk to your customer on Day 1 and ask them how they took their products… not IF… but HOW. Remember, we are different than a super market in that we give the personalized touches that the retail stores don’t.
Make sure you follow up with them as they progress. You want to ensure they are taking the products correctly and consistently. When they do, they will know the difference that the 24 Day Challenge gives them. Our team’s goal is to help as many people as possible.
Remember to let each customer know about the amazing income opportunity too. You never know when someone is wanting / needing additional income in their life. You never know when a couple of hundred dollars a month is the difference in keeping their car or not. Care about them enough to plant the seed so that if they are interested, they know about it.
If you haven’t done a full 24 Day Challenge yourself, DO ONE! You need to be able to talk about each of the steps from personal experience. If you aren’t doing one or have not done one in the past, why should they trust you when you are talking to them about it?
Obesity is a growing problem (ok NO pun intended ). Information will help people fight back one step at a time – one pound at a time. AdvoCare gives us the tools to help people fight this problem. I’d love to be able to post some of your success stories on here. Send them in and we’ll put them on here… we will put a link to you / your site with the post so people can click it to get to your site.
I also want to know what your results were for your very first challenge. Everyone is different and results vary, but this is a forum for everyone. Advocare’s 24 day challenge bundle has what’s needed to get you started. Let us know if you used that bundle or if you added any other products like AdvoCare Catalyst or AdvoCare Thermoplus. Also, let us know if you went with the MNS 3, MNS E or the MNS C. What were your goals? Were you looking to lose weight, tone up, more energy, get lean, or just get healthier in general?
What were your results in the cleanse phase? What were your results in the max phase? Or just your results all together… weight loss … total inches lost … waist size change … or dress size changes etc. Any information that you would be willing to share will help someone and let folks compare their results. Send your story / pictures / etc. Anything you’d like. I’ll put you on your own post and link back to your site or your microsite or both if you want.
If you have not done so yet, please click register and create an account with your user name and your email address. Your password will be emailed to you.
God Bless
post a comment | tags: 24 Day Challenge, 24 Day Challenge Reviews, 24 Day Challenge Training
filed in: AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge, AdvoCare Weight Loss
» May 29th, 2011
Welcome New Distributors!
New Distributors, welcome to our site. This site is intended to help you with a few of the items you may or may not know about already. This is a work in progress and will be updated every opportunity that I have. Technology is my friend so my focus here is mainly how to do things that may help you grow your business.
This site is for everyone… whether you are on my team or any other team, you may share this information freely.
Thank You,
The first item I’ve added is how to get an easier link for your microsite. Check it out.
post a comment | tags: Advo Information, Advo Training, New Distributor Training
filed in: AdvoCare 411